Spine Cancer
Getting diagnosed with cancer in the spine can be a daunting experience. Though spinal tumors are uncommon, they can develop anywhere along the spinal column.
Spine Cancer
Receiving a spinal cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming. Though uncommon, spinal tumors can occur anywhere along the spine.Finding out you have a back cancer can be scary. Back lumps are rare, but they can grow anywhere on your back. At Srikanth Spine Center in Guntur, we know the big struggles you face. Our team of experts is here to give lots of care for all kinds of back lumps. We will work with you to make a plan just for you.
We start with a good look at your back, using tests and your past to see what's up. This plan helps us pick the best care, which might be cutting, x-ray care, drug care, or all of them. Our group has smart pros who can handle hard back lumps. We want to help you all through this. We will give you the facts and help you choose things about your care. We will work with other health pros in your care too. Call Srikanth Spine Center in Guntur now. Let's join in the fight and look for a good time ahead.
What causes spinal cancer?
Known risk factors for spine cancer include:
Prior history of cancer, with breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer and multiple myeloma most likely to spread to the spine
Compromised immune system
Hereditary disorders, including Von Hippel-Lindau disease and neurofibromatosis (NF2)
Radiation therapy exposure
Chemical exposure, including to industrial chemicals
Spinal cancer symptoms
Some common signs of spinal tumors may include:
Back pain
Pain in the neck, arms or legs
Muscle weakness or numbness in the arms or legs
Difficulty walking
General loss of sensation
Difficulty with urination (incontinence)
Change in bowel habits (loss of bowel control)
Paralysis to varying degrees
Spinal deformities
Pain or difficulty with standing